Monday, November 29, 2010

Be Apart Of The Fitness Revolution!

Come be apart of the fitness revolution! Kettlebells, CrossFit, Underground, and Old School strength is taking over! Join the Texas Kettlebell Club family.
We were the first to bring this type of training to Seguin, and others are following our lead. We're dedicated to bringing you the best in fitness for the the best results without all the B.S.
When you're ready to take your training to the next level give us a call! 830-556-4180

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Olympic Lifting With Oleg Kechko

Awesome Olympic lifting seminar with former Olympian Oleg Kechko!
The TKC crew even got invited to train in Russia next year. We've got more
seminars and surprises to be announced soon for our TKC members!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Woodward CrossFit Seminar

The TKC crew is going on a road trip to Woodward CrossFit for a Olympic Lifting Seminar with Oleg Kechko. Seminar starts at 3pm.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Girl Power at the TKC!

A Real Kettlebell Squat.
Strong TKC Ladies Doing Hand Stand Push Ups.
Kettlebell/Barbell Combo.

Pushing Out Those Last Reps!

Women's only classes Tuesday's and Thursday's at 7pm.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

TKC Pics. November

Crossfit/ Kettlebell Instructors doing HSPU
Hammer Drills

Kettlebell High Intensity Classes!

Seguin's Original Kettlebell Gym!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Crossfit in Seguin!

The Texas Kettlebell Club will become a Crossfit affiliate gym soon! TKC Instructors Jesus Gaitan and David Butler are both Certified Crossfit trainers.

Workout of the Week 30;

Here is a workout for all our friends who missed this Saturday's workout.

1. Body Weight Squats, Hindu Push Ups, Hindu Squats, Plyo-Push Up, V-Ups, Mountain Climbers, Jog in place, and Repeat.
(Do the above exercises for 30sec each without breaks, switch on the 30sec mark. Repeat x2.)

1. KB Snatch 2min 30sec Left Arm, 2min 30sec Right Arm.
(The goal is to not set the KB down for the entire 5min. Switch arms at the 2:30 mark.)

2. 2DB Thrusters
1KB Sumo DL-Up Right Row(High Pull): 5, 7, 10, 12, 15.
(Do 5 DB Thrusters followed by 5 Sumo-DL, ladder up to 15 of each. Men 40lbs DBs/Women 30/25lbs DBs. KBs: Men 53#/Women 35#.)

3. 2KB Snatches
Box Jump : 5, 7, 10, 12, 15.
(Same as above: Ladder up with these two exercises; record your time and KB weight/box height)

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Workout of the Week 29;

The 20/12: Do 20reps of each of the following exercises(1-7) then(non-stop) start back at the top and do 12reps of each exercise(1-7). Try to finish it in under 10min.

1. 2KB Cleans
2. Star Jumps
3. 2KB Bent Rows
4. Box Jumps
5. Ab Crushers
6. Burpees
7. 2KB Thrusters

1. 2KB/BB Push Press
2. 2KB/BB Bent Row 10-1

(Super set the above 2 exercises do 10 push presses then 10 bent rows repeat till you do one of each. Record your time. Use 2 Kettlebells or a Barbell.)

1. 1KB Clean & Press 3left/3right
3.Sumo-Dead Lift-Up Right Row(High Pull) 10-1

(Do Clean and Press with 1KB on each arm(L/R), Have a second KB(or BB) set at a distance of 25 yards or greater. Sprint to the KB and do 10 SumoDL-Ur-Rows. Sprint back to the first KB and repeat the 3 Clean and Presses each arm, sprint back to the second KB and do 9 SumoDL-Ur-Rows. Repeat laddering down to 1 SumoDL-Ur-Row.)

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Thanksgiving Day Schedule

The Texas Kettlebell Club will have two morning classes on November 25th(Thanksgiving Day).

Thanksgiving Day Schedule: 8:00am & 9:00am. No afternoon/night classes.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Join The Club

The Texas Kettlebell Club is Seguin's premiere hard core gym. Our Instructors are certified in Kettlebells, Crossfit, Personal Training, and Warrior Diet. If you're tired of the same workout routine with little to no results, come see us. We strip away all the fallacies of fitness. Our methods are proven to give you the results you want. Call us now for a free class: 830-556-4180

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Workout of the Week 28;

1. Turkish Get-Ups 3 each arm with KB or Barbell for 10min.

2. 50 Burpee Challenge( Under 3min)

3. 1KB Snatch
1KB Sumo-Deadlift-to-Up Right Row(High Pull)

(Do 5 KB Snatches each arm then 5 Sumo-Up Right Rows. Ladder up till you complete 15 of each.)

4. 2KB Alternating Cleans(aka: Machine Gun Cleans)
Twisting Push Up
(Super set the above with 20sec on 10sec off for 4 rounds of each(8 rounds total)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Workout of the Week 27;

1.Snatches 21, 15, & 9reps each arm(Men 53#KB/Women 35#KB)

2. Barbell(Men 95#/Women 65#) or 2KB Push Press
Frog Jumps 21, 15, & 9reps of each(Super Set)

3. Hindu Push Ups
Sit ups 21, 15, & 9reps of each(Super Set)

(Do all the above exercises back to back. Start with 1 arm Snatches 21 each arm, then 15 each arm etc. As soon as you finish the Snatches jump on the barbell for 21 push presses then 21 frog jumps etc. Super set the last two exercises as well, Hindu push ups and Sit ups. Try to complete it under 10min.)

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Workout of the Week 26;

1. 1KB Clean & Press 5,4,3,2,1,2,3,4,5 (Each arm)
2. Burpees 30reps
3. 1KB Snatch 5,4,3,2,1,2,3,4,5 (Each arm)
4. Frog Jumps 30reps
5. 1KB Squats 5,4,3,2,1,2,3,4,5 (Racked, Each side)
6. Squat Jumps 30reps
7. 1arm KB Swings 5,4,3,2,1,2,3,4,5
8. Barbell(or 2KB) Thrusters (95# Men/65# Women) 30reps

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Free Intro Class

Interested in seeing what the Texas Kettlebell Club is all about? Call us at 830-556-4180 now and schedule a FREE introductory class. This is your chance to train one on one with a certified Kettlebell instructor and learn the basic kettlebell movements such as the Swing, Clean, Press, Goblet Squat, and more. Come see for yourself what everyone is talking about!

Monday, November 1, 2010

TKC in S.A. News Article

Pick up today's San Antonio Express News! The Texas Kettlebell Club and TKC members are featured in the November 1st edition, in the S.A. Life section!