Friday, August 20, 2010

Workout of the Week 20;

Do 30 of each of the following at your own pace.

Hindu Push Ups-30

2KB Cleans-30

Burpee w/push up-30

2KB Bent Rows-30

Star Jumps-30

2KB Floor Wipers-30(1,2,3,4...count)

2KB Squat-Press-30

The goal is to get it under 10min. Have Fun!

Circuit: Repeat 2 x; 30sec on 10-15sec off.

1. 1KB Sumo Dead lift-Up Right Row

2. 2KB Clean & Press

3. 2KB Squats

4. Battling Rope alternating tsunami (seated on big Med ball or BOSU)

5. Bulgarian Bag Long Jump

6. Olympic Ring Push ups


  1. I found your blog and love the exercises you have laid out for the week I will try to incorporate some into my weekly workout. I'm new but learning fast and see the benefit of these great tools.

  2. Thank you! I'll try to post more KB specific workouts as well.

    -Jesus G.
