Sunday, October 31, 2010

Olympic Lifting Seminar

Awesome Olympic lifting seminar with Oleg Kechko! Thanks to everyone who made the seminar! The Texas Kettlebell Club and Seguin MMA are proud to bring top notch instructors to our members.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Workout of the Week 25;

Heavy Day!

1.2KB Squat-10
Pull Ups-5
2.2KB Clean and Press-10
Pull Ups-5
3.2KB Bent Rows
Pull Ups-5
4.Barbell Dead Lift(225# Men/145# Ladies)-10
Pull Ups-5
5.2KB Floor Presses-10

See how many rounds you can get in under 40min. Do not rush! Use Heavy weights. Dead hang pull ups or weighted pull ups.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

San Antonio Express News

The Texas Kettlebell Club Instructors will be featured in an article on Kettlebell training in the San Antonio Express News. The article is due to be on the November 1st, 2010 edition of the S.A. Express News paper.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Dead Lift @ Texas Kettlebell Club-Seguin, TX

Texas Kettlebell Club member, Monica, Dead Lifting 225#. This is after 50 Dead Lifts @ 135#!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Workout of the Week 25;

1. KB Snatches Tabata style: L/R(Six round each arm)20sec on/10sec off.

1. 2KB(or BB 95#) Push Press-5

2. Frog Jumps- 10

Superset the above 2 exercises for ten minutes. See how many rounds you can get in 10min.

1. Dumbbell Thrusters

2. 2Hand Swings

3. 2KB Floor Wipers

4. Sumo DL-Up Right Row

5. Battling Rope

35sec on 12sec off x3

Friday, October 15, 2010

Updated Class Scedule 10-15-10

Updated class schedule: We now offer 25 classes weekly!

Monday. 9am; 12:15pm; 5pm; 6pm; & 7pm

Tuesday. 9am; 10am(Intro Class); 5pm; 6pm; & 7pm(Women's only)

Wednesday. 9am; 12:15pm; 5pm; 6pm; & 7pm

Thursday. 9am; 5pm; 6pm; & 7pm(Women's only)

Friday. 9am; 5pm; & 6pm

Saturday. 10am; 11am; & 12noon
*Monday's and Wednesday's 12:15 class are a 30min lunch time class.

*Tuesday's and Thursday's 7pm class are a Women's only class.

*Tuesday's 10am class is a free intro workshop.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Thursday, October 7, 2010

TKC Testimonial!

Miracles performed

In May of 2009 I was in a terrible roll over accident and permanently damaged my knee. For 18 months I have been through 3 doctors and 2 surgeries to find a solution to managing pain in my knee and losing a majority of my endurance and general mobility. The last surgeon that was taking care of me informed me that I needed total knee replacement, but since I am 37, that nobody would perform the surgery since I was too young. I was then convinced that I would never be able to function physically again, not even at a normal level. Then wife decided to check out the unique kettle bell club close to us in our city and after chatting with David and Jesus, found out that they may even be able to help me. I was skeptic, but I was desperate for pain to stop and regain most of my mobility back.After two weeks of training I was able to walk without a cane and now at four weeks later I have gained back all of my confidence that was lost when I came to terms with being permanently injured.Jesus is an ideal trainer, he can help you obtain your workout goals and lead you to more than you expect. I am greatly impressed by his training style and how he was able to help me reach results that medical care could not provide. Yes, I may not be able to run and jump again, but the Texas Kettle Bell Club has enabled me to obtain physical performance levels previously thought to be impossible with this permanent injury.
Erin Ramsey - Seguin Texas

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Texas Kettlebell Club - Seguin, TX

Texas Kettlebell Club
  • Certified Russian Kettlebell Instructor(RKC)
  • Certified Crossfit Trainer
  • Certified Hard Style Kettlebell Instructor(HKC)
  • Certified Warrior Diet Trainer
  • Certified Personal Trainer

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Target Focus Training Seminar.

TFT Self Protection Seminar coming up this month for Texas Kettlebell Club members. Take advantage of this opportunity. TFT seminars run from $400-$1500 and only come to Texas(Dallas only) once a year.

Workout of the Week 24;

1. Swings 10L/10R x 5
2. 2KB Snatch- 30reps (3min Time Limit)
1. 2KB Cleans-5reps
2. 2KB Push Press-5reps
3. 2KB Squats-5reps

Get as many rounds of the above(1, 2, & 3) as you can in 20min.
(Example: 5-2KB Cleans, 5-2KB Push Press, & 5-2KB Squats equal 1 round)

Finisher: 25 Burpees for time

Monday, October 4, 2010

Maria Gaitan, HKC: 25lbs KB Pistol

Texas Kettlebell Club Women's only class instructor doing a pistol with a 25lbs KB!