Thursday, September 30, 2010

"Warrior" Wednesday Class Clip!

A quick clip of class at the TKC with David Butler: RKC, Crossfit, Warrior Diet, and Personal Trainer Certified.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Workout of the Week 23;

1. 2KB Squats(Heavy) 5sets of 20sec on/15sec off

2. 2KB Floor Press(Heavy) 5sets of 20sec on/ 15sec off

3. Hanging Leg Raises 5sets of 20sec on/ 15 sec off

Brk: 1-3min

1. Rope(Battling)/ Star Jump; Super Set 1min on each no breaks for 6min total. Switch on the minute.

2. 2KB Cleans/ Burpees 10-1. Do 10 Cleans, then 10 Burpees, then 9 of each. Ladder down till you complete 1 of each. Get it under 7min. Men 2x53lbs KB/ Women 2x 25lbs KB.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Girl Power!

Quick warm up before class: 155# Dead Lift and 2-35lbs KB Push Press by HKC-Maria Gaitan

Friday, September 17, 2010

"That's a Rap!"

We just rapped up filming for a up coming documentary. We got great shots of class and some interviews. The Texas Kettlebell Club and Seguin MMA will be featured in it, check the blog for news of the release. Thanks to everyone who participated!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Workout of the Week 23;

Tri-set 1. 30sec on/ 10-15sec off.

1. Pull Ups

2. Dead Lifts-135#

3. KB or DB Push Presses

(x 5 rounds non stop.

Or 5 rounds for numbers; 7-10 reps per exercise.)

Tri-set 2. 30sec on/ 10-15 sec off.

1. 2Hand Swings Heavy KB

2. Body Weight Squats on big Med Ball(Fast)

3. Sit Ups(Fast)

(x5 rounds non stop

Or 5 rounds for numbers; 7-20 reps per exercise.)

Finisher: 2 KB Snatches-30reps; 2min Time Limit

Monday, September 13, 2010

Workout of the Week 23;

Seven rounds of:

2KB Snatches-7reps & 1min Jump Rope (Double Unders)

5min Time limit. Get as many rounds as you can in 5min.

2KB Push Press-10

2KB Bent Rows-10

Body Weight Squats-15(Full Squat; Hip crease below knees)

Finisher: 2Mile Run

Sunday, September 12, 2010

New Saturday Class!

Starting Saturday, September 18th we'll be adding a 10am class.

The Saturday schedule will look as follows:

10am-10:50; 11am-11:50; and 12noon-12:50.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Workout of the Week 22;

30sec on for 2KB exercises / 40sec on for Mountain Climbers

1.2KB Swings
2.Mountain Climbers
3.2KB Thrusters
4.Mountain Climbers
5.2KB Cleans(Alternating Cleans)
6.Mountain Climbers
7.2KB Floor Wipers


Super set: 5min Time limit. Men 70lbs/53lbs: Women 35lbs/25lbs.

2Hand High Swing

Do 5 two hand Swings then 5 burpees, repeat till you complete 15 of each. Try to complete it under 5min.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Rolles Gracie Seminar-Seguin, TX

Rolles Gracie Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Seminar- Seguin, TX

Location: Seguin MMA, 2331 Hwy 46 N. Seguin, TX 78155
Date: Sunday, September 12th. Time/Price: Kids 1-2pm $20; Adults 2-5pm $60

Rolles Gracie Jr. was born into the world’s first family of fighting on July 14, 1978 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. He is the grandson of Carlos Gracie Sr., the founder of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and son of Rolls Gracie, who is widely considered to be the Gracie family’s most legendary Jiu-Jitsu practitioner. Rolles is physically the largest in the history of the Gracie, standing at 6’ 4” and weighing 250 pounds. He is a third-degree Black Belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and a multi-title holding champion, not only BJJ, but also in Judo and submission wrestling.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Target Focus Training Seminar.

Target Focus Training Self Protection Seminar. Seguin, TX

Thanks to everyone who made the seminar!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Workout of the Week 21;

1.2KB Press-30sec
2. 2KB Cleans-30sec
3. 2KB Push Press-30sec
4. V-Situp-45sec
5. 2KB Squats-30sec
6. 2KB Floor Wipers-40sec

Repeat 4x with a 30sec-1min break between rounds.

5Min Cardio blast super set: Do as many rounds of the following 2 exercises as you can in 5min.
Recommended weight: Men(70lbsKB/53lbsKB) Women(35lbsKB/25lbsKB)

1KB Sumo Dead Lift- Up right Row-10reps
(Goal: 5 complete rounds or more...Have Fun!)