Thursday, November 18, 2010

Workout of the Week 29;

The 20/12: Do 20reps of each of the following exercises(1-7) then(non-stop) start back at the top and do 12reps of each exercise(1-7). Try to finish it in under 10min.

1. 2KB Cleans
2. Star Jumps
3. 2KB Bent Rows
4. Box Jumps
5. Ab Crushers
6. Burpees
7. 2KB Thrusters

1. 2KB/BB Push Press
2. 2KB/BB Bent Row 10-1

(Super set the above 2 exercises do 10 push presses then 10 bent rows repeat till you do one of each. Record your time. Use 2 Kettlebells or a Barbell.)

1. 1KB Clean & Press 3left/3right
3.Sumo-Dead Lift-Up Right Row(High Pull) 10-1

(Do Clean and Press with 1KB on each arm(L/R), Have a second KB(or BB) set at a distance of 25 yards or greater. Sprint to the KB and do 10 SumoDL-Ur-Rows. Sprint back to the first KB and repeat the 3 Clean and Presses each arm, sprint back to the second KB and do 9 SumoDL-Ur-Rows. Repeat laddering down to 1 SumoDL-Ur-Row.)

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