Check out this young Seguin CrossFitter working on one of the most technical lifts, the Olympic Snatch, at the TKC/CrossFit Seguin with coach Oleg Kechko.
Want to know more about the TKC/CrossFit Seguin's training? Contact us for a FREE intro class 830-556-4180 or .
Take time to browse our website and blog or stop by and observe a class. This is NOT one of those "Globo Gyms", our instructors are here to teach, not sell memberships or useless products! There are NO Contracts and NO B.S.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Olympic Lifting Seminar Pics
Interested in Joining the TKC/CrossFit Seguin family? There are no egos in our gym, we operate like a small family, always helping each other out inside and outside the gym. We offer a Fee intro class as well as a Free regular class to see if this training is right for you. We have no contracts and no B.S. to sell you. Our facility is about building a better quality of life, period!
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Olympic Lifting With Oleg Kechko
Olympic Lifting Seminar today at the TKC/CrossFit Seguin. Seminar starts at 3pm. BBQ starts at 5pm. All TKC/CrosssFit Seguin members welcome to attend the BBQ. Seminar is Sold Out.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
TKC Members In Action
Ready to take your training to the next level? Shed that unwanted fat and build a lean strong body at the TKC/CrossFit Seguin! Click Here To Claim Your FREE Class>>>> Get Started!
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Strength is a Skill
At the TKC/CrossFit Seguin we don't just workout. We build strength, conditioning, and skill. Olympic lifting, KB juggling, Muscle Ups, and Double-unders are very technical. They require time, practice, and instruction. Building skill when lifting will also prevent injury and improve coordination. Our members are constantly learning new skills to improve their strength and workout times.
If you're interested in seeing what CrossFit/TKC is all about join us for a FREE introductory class. The intro class is a instructional class designed to prepare you for group classes. You will learn how to properly use the Kettlebell. Our instructors have years of experience teaching Kettlebell techniques. Our gym is also the only recommended gym in Texas in the "Kettlebells for Dummies" book.
If you're ready to take your training to the next level contact us for a FREE Intro class at 830-556-4180 or
If you're interested in seeing what CrossFit/TKC is all about join us for a FREE introductory class. The intro class is a instructional class designed to prepare you for group classes. You will learn how to properly use the Kettlebell. Our instructors have years of experience teaching Kettlebell techniques. Our gym is also the only recommended gym in Texas in the "Kettlebells for Dummies" book.
If you're ready to take your training to the next level contact us for a FREE Intro class at 830-556-4180 or
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Praise From A Fellow RKC/CK-FMS
Jesus and David are awesome instructors! I'm stoked to see this school is growing and people are realizing that they are lucky to have such quality instruction in this town. I miss training with you guys, and the inspiration you gave me.
Os Aponte RKC, CK-FMS, Z-Health Practitioner
Os Aponte RKC, CK-FMS, Z-Health Practitioner
Olympic Lifting Seminar this Saturday at 3pm. Location TKC/CrossFit Seguin. BBQ/PotLuck to follow. All TKC/CrossFit Seguin members welcome to observe the seminar and attend the BBQ after words.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Getting Down And Dirty
Interested in seeing what CrossFit and the TKC is all about? Take some time to look over our website, blog, or come by the gym. This is not your normal gym or health club. There are no receptionist or a "Front Desk". Contact us for a FREE Intro class(groups welcome) at 830-556-4180 or
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Strength and Conditioning In Seguin
So they say Kettlebell and CrossFit training is great for cardio(and we agree) but it doesn't build strength. Now watch TKC/CrossFit Seguin member Alvino Pull 455# on the Dead Lift at 165# Body Weight. That is definitely strength!
When you are ready to take your training to the next level and never be bored with working out, come see us at the Texas kettlebell Club/CrossFit Seguin. This is Seguin's only CrossFit affiliate gym. Contact us for a trial class and a free intro. or call 830-556-4180. Come see what everyone is talking about!
When you are ready to take your training to the next level and never be bored with working out, come see us at the Texas kettlebell Club/CrossFit Seguin. This is Seguin's only CrossFit affiliate gym. Contact us for a trial class and a free intro. or call 830-556-4180. Come see what everyone is talking about!
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Split Jerk PR 205#
TKC/CrossFit Seguin member Getting a PR on the Split Jerk: 205#
Awesome job TKC/CrossFit members! Everyone set a new PR on Friday!
Ready to take your training to the next level? Contact us for a Free introductory class: 830-556-4180 or
Awesome job TKC/CrossFit members! Everyone set a new PR on Friday!
Ready to take your training to the next level? Contact us for a Free introductory class: 830-556-4180 or
Friday, February 18, 2011
TKC/CrossFit Members In Action
Barbell Push Press
Barbell Bent Rows
Battling Ropes
What is the TKC/CrossFit all about? Come see for yourself what everyone is talking about. Contact us now for a FREE introductory class, and a FREE group class. Call 830-556-4180 or email: to claim your FREE intro class! Small groups welcome.
Discover what Elite Fitness is all about! Join the Club.
What is the TKC/CrossFit all about? Come see for yourself what everyone is talking about. Contact us now for a FREE introductory class, and a FREE group class. Call 830-556-4180 or email: to claim your FREE intro class! Small groups welcome.
Discover what Elite Fitness is all about! Join the Club.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Warrior Diet Tip of the Week 5
Anti Estrogenic foods: Just as there are foods that can hold back progress there are also foods that can help. There are many types of anti estrogenic foods and herbs that when used together they can help flush out, block and build resistance against the estrogenic effects of foods and by products in our environment. Here is a list of anti estrogenic foods to include in your meals.
• Cruciferous vegetables –
Broccoli, Cauliflower,
Brussel sprouts, Cabbage
• Onion & garlic
• Citrus fruits
• Red raspberries
• Omega 3 oils – flaxseed,
hempseeds, fish oil
• Wild catch fish
• Organic whole dairy
(preferably from grass-fed
• Fertile eggs
• Raw almonds
• Sesame seeds
• Pumpkin seeds
• Hemp seeds
• Passion flower extract
• Chamomile extract
• Cruciferous indoles
• Amla berries
• Turmeric
• Resveratrol
• Cruciferous vegetables –
Broccoli, Cauliflower,
Brussel sprouts, Cabbage
• Onion & garlic
• Citrus fruits
• Red raspberries
• Omega 3 oils – flaxseed,
hempseeds, fish oil
• Wild catch fish
• Organic whole dairy
(preferably from grass-fed
• Fertile eggs
• Raw almonds
• Sesame seeds
• Pumpkin seeds
• Hemp seeds
• Passion flower extract
• Chamomile extract
• Cruciferous indoles
• Amla berries
• Turmeric
• Resveratrol
Real Fighters
Been working with some Fighters from Seguin MMA and the Fight Factory. I have to say I love working with the guys and gals. They have awesome determination and a no quit attitude! They have a strong work ethic training 2-3 times a day even with full time jobs and children. That is not an easy task!
If you are looking to compete in MMA or Boxing come check out the Seguin MMA and Fight Factory(San Marcos)! Seguin MMA is unmatched in Seguin with top notch instructors and a awesome fight team. This is were Real Fighters train!
If you are looking to compete in MMA or Boxing come check out the Seguin MMA and Fight Factory(San Marcos)! Seguin MMA is unmatched in Seguin with top notch instructors and a awesome fight team. This is were Real Fighters train!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
CrossFit Seguin
The Texas Kettlebell Club is officially a CrossFit affiliate gym. AKA: CrossFit Seguin.
Workout of the Week 6&7;
Sorry I've been slacking on the Workout post: Here are a couple to keep you busy:
2Hand Swings and Burpee Super Set: 21, 18, 15, 12, & 9 reps of each. Try to get it done under 10min. (Men 53#+KB/ Women 35#+KB)The Swings are "American Swings"(High Swings)
CrossFit WOD "Wittman"
2Hand Swings-15(Men 53#/Women 35#KB)
Power Cleans-15(Men 95#BB/Women 65#BB)
Box Jump-15(24in Box)
x 7 rounds for time
(Courtesy of CrossFit Inc.)
Snatch -10L/10R
Supine Bike-20
AMRAP-10min(Men 53+KB/Women 35+KB)
Dead Lift-5
Hammers 10L/10R
x7 rounds for time
(On Dead Lift use 50%-80% of your Max: Hammers Men 16#/Women 8#)
2Hand Swings and Burpee Super Set: 21, 18, 15, 12, & 9 reps of each. Try to get it done under 10min. (Men 53#+KB/ Women 35#+KB)The Swings are "American Swings"(High Swings)
CrossFit WOD "Wittman"
2Hand Swings-15(Men 53#/Women 35#KB)
Power Cleans-15(Men 95#BB/Women 65#BB)
Box Jump-15(24in Box)
x 7 rounds for time
(Courtesy of CrossFit Inc.)
Snatch -10L/10R
Supine Bike-20
AMRAP-10min(Men 53+KB/Women 35+KB)
Dead Lift-5
Hammers 10L/10R
x7 rounds for time
(On Dead Lift use 50%-80% of your Max: Hammers Men 16#/Women 8#)
Elite Fitness
Congrats to all you tough Ladies and Men of the TKC! We broke a lot of PRs(Personal Records) yesterday on some tough CrossFit workouts Fran, Diane, Karen, and the Split Jerk! Awesome job everyone, you all have proven without a doubt that our training methods work.
Monday, February 14, 2011
TKC Members In Action
Before you sign that contract at one of those "Globo Gyms". Come check out the Texas Kettlebell Club! Contact us for 2 free trial classes! or call 830-556-4180.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Side Effects
At the Texas Kettlebell Club our members train hard, train often, and eat right. Low body fat percentage and a lean body is just a side effect of all the hard work! There is no magic pill and no short cut to success!
I want to congratulate the TKC family members for their hard work and dedication! This past week was amazing. Many of you set new PR's and proved that our training works! Keep up the good work everyone!
I want to congratulate the TKC family members for their hard work and dedication! This past week was amazing. Many of you set new PR's and proved that our training works! Keep up the good work everyone!
Friday, February 11, 2011
Thursday, February 10, 2011
TKC Members In Action

Interested in joining the club? Contact us for two free trial classes and see if
the TKC is right for you. or 830-556-4180
Following The Sheeple
For many of us changing to healthier life style can seem very difficult. While you may be very motivated as you plan out our new healthier life style that motivation will soon diminish as you are bombarded by T.V. commercial after T.V. commercial of fast food and enticing soft drinks. Of course our family, friends, and co workers will be more than happy to offer us some unhealthy alternatives. While all this can be irritating it is still YOUR choice. YOU as an individual have the power to chose.
It takes a strong mind and strong individual to break away from the Sheeple mentality.
At the TKC we advise everyone to read and research on their own about food and diet. Sure, we will always coach our TKC family on proper nutrition but we want them to get use to thinking for themselves! If we get use to just following what others say without question then we will always be one step behind. The CEO of a major corporation will never admit that their products could be bad for you! And why would they?
Whatever you decide to do in your life it it always YOUR choice. You don't have to follow the sheeple.
It takes a strong mind and strong individual to break away from the Sheeple mentality.
At the TKC we advise everyone to read and research on their own about food and diet. Sure, we will always coach our TKC family on proper nutrition but we want them to get use to thinking for themselves! If we get use to just following what others say without question then we will always be one step behind. The CEO of a major corporation will never admit that their products could be bad for you! And why would they?
Whatever you decide to do in your life it it always YOUR choice. You don't have to follow the sheeple.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Up Coming Seminars
Olympic Lifting with Oleg Kechko
February 26th, 3pm. BBQ and Potluck to follow. Price: $50
TKC Members Discount: $30
(Space is limited. Sign up at the TKC gym. First come first serve.)
2331 Hwy 46 N. *Ste. 500*
Seguin, TX 78155
Oleg was a member of the 1996 Belarus Olympic team placing 9th at the Atlanta games. He was formerly ranked #1 in the world in the 76kg class.
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu with Relson Gracie
March 15th, Kids 6pm/Adults 7pm.
2331 Hwy 46 N. *Ste. 400*
Seguin, TX 78155
Relson is an 8th degree Black Belt in Gracie Jiu-Jitsu.
February 26th, 3pm. BBQ and Potluck to follow. Price: $50
TKC Members Discount: $30
(Space is limited. Sign up at the TKC gym. First come first serve.)
2331 Hwy 46 N. *Ste. 500*
Seguin, TX 78155
Oleg was a member of the 1996 Belarus Olympic team placing 9th at the Atlanta games. He was formerly ranked #1 in the world in the 76kg class.
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu with Relson Gracie
March 15th, Kids 6pm/Adults 7pm.
2331 Hwy 46 N. *Ste. 400*
Seguin, TX 78155
Relson is an 8th degree Black Belt in Gracie Jiu-Jitsu.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Broken In
We broke in the new mats yesterday with some Barbell work and burpees! We'll be installing a 15ft pull up bar station in the new room soon! We already have 3 sets of Olympic rings hung up and a climbing rope.
Seguin MMA is also expanding their training area. They're also adding wall pads and a new bag rack.
Anyone interested in some serious training needs to check us out. This is not just another "fitness facility" Seguin MMA and the TKC train real fighters and professionals.
Come by the school anytime:
2331 Hwy 46 N.
Seguin TX 78155
Seguin MMA is also expanding their training area. They're also adding wall pads and a new bag rack.
Anyone interested in some serious training needs to check us out. This is not just another "fitness facility" Seguin MMA and the TKC train real fighters and professionals.
Come by the school anytime:
2331 Hwy 46 N.
Seguin TX 78155
Sunday, February 6, 2011
New Mats
Just finished laying the new mats in the new addition to the TKC gym! These mats can take a beating and they'll need to. We'll be using this room for our Olympic Lifting and other CrossFit events.
Special Thanks to Bobby and Maria for your contribution with the mats! It's great to have you all on the TKC team!
What Is the TKC?
The Texas Kettlebell Club (TKC) is Seguin's premiere Strength and Conditioning training facility. This is NOT your normal health club or gym. We use Kettlebells, Tires, Battling Ropes, Olympic Lifts, Hammers, and Olympic Rings. We train indoor and outdoor. Our Instructors have Certifications in Kettlebells(RKC/HKC/IKFF), CrossFit, Personal Training, and Warrior Diet. The TKC takes ordinary people and in a short time produces extraordinary results. There is no B.S. here! It takes training hard and eating right to get those results. No magic pills or short cuts!
The TKC operates like a family, our instructors are always there to help you out with whatever you need. Whether it be nutrition, scaling a workout, or help on a particular exercise.
Interested in joining the TKC family? We offer 2 FREE trial classes. Decide for yourself if the TKC is right for you. Contact us now at or 830-556-4180. Or feel free to stop by and observe a class at anytime. Whether you are a beginner or been in the strength game for a while, we have something for you!
The TKC operates like a family, our instructors are always there to help you out with whatever you need. Whether it be nutrition, scaling a workout, or help on a particular exercise.
Interested in joining the TKC family? We offer 2 FREE trial classes. Decide for yourself if the TKC is right for you. Contact us now at or 830-556-4180. Or feel free to stop by and observe a class at anytime. Whether you are a beginner or been in the strength game for a while, we have something for you!
Saturday, February 5, 2011
First Place!
Congrats to TKC instructor Robert "Bobby" Spence for taking First Place in the Long Cycle Kettlebell Competition in Grand Rapids, MI!
Friday, February 4, 2011
No 9am Class Today
No KB class this morning, February 4th, due to ice on the roads. Have a great rest day!
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Tough Ladies
Workout of the Week 5;
Warm Up: Turkish Get Up-2L/2R x 5
Olympic Cleans-25
Hindu Push Ups-50
Star Jumps-50
Frog Jumps-50
1KB Ab Crushers-50
For time!
(Olympic Clean/Thruster BB Weight-135# Men/75#Women)
(Ab Crusher-Men 35#/Women 25#)
Olympic Cleans-25
Hindu Push Ups-50
Star Jumps-50
Frog Jumps-50
1KB Ab Crushers-50
For time!
(Olympic Clean/Thruster BB Weight-135# Men/75#Women)
(Ab Crusher-Men 35#/Women 25#)
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Warrior Diet Tip of the Week 4
Many of the foods we commonly eat could be holding back progress. Some of the foods and many byproducts of how we store food like plastic bottles for water or milk cause our body to convert these substances into estrogen and store them as fat as a defensive mechanism. is a list of estrogenic foods and herbs that should be avoided.
Estrogenic foods
Foods• Soy products – soy milk, tofu, soy protein, isolate, soy isoflavones supplements• Conventional meats and poultry• Conventional dairy• Pesticide-treated produce• Pork products – meat and lard• Omega 6 oils – canola, mazola, rapeseed, corn, soy• Alfalfa sprouts• Plastic bottled water.
By David Butler, RKC, CF-L1, CWDT
Estrogenic foods
Foods• Soy products – soy milk, tofu, soy protein, isolate, soy isoflavones supplements• Conventional meats and poultry• Conventional dairy• Pesticide-treated produce• Pork products – meat and lard• Omega 6 oils – canola, mazola, rapeseed, corn, soy• Alfalfa sprouts• Plastic bottled water.
By David Butler, RKC, CF-L1, CWDT
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